Thursday, October 14, 2010

So It Begins

So it begins. Welcome to another blog by Walk2Write. Good grief! I must be cracked to start another one. Let's hope so. Maybe even a little scrambled. This one will be different, not the same kind of stuff and not in the same tone. I may just leave the other one and hang out here for a while. We will find out soon enough. One thing is for sure. There won't be anything garden-related here, unless it makes its way into whatever story I'm working on. This blog is my place to take off from the ordinary, the everyday, the mundane. The stories may take shape here, but this is not their final resting place.


Anonymous said...

Swear to God, we must be related. (I say this because I am starting new blog experiments all the time; some take; some don't, but I always learn something about what it is my brain is trying to do and where it wants to go.)I'm so glad you started this new blog -- just wish we lived closer and I could be part of a writer's group with you. I look forward to reading!

walk2write said...

I would be honored to call you sis or cuz, Beth, at least in a blogging sense. Part of the time we actually do live closer since our real home is still in Santa Rosa County. We really ought to meet for lunch or something. I've met a blogger from Tennessee yet still not anyone locally, though it's not been for lack of trying. I do miss the writers' group. Everyone in it was helpful and encouraging. Several of the writers have published their work and are busy promoting it online and in other venues. There is at least one group that I know of here in Tallahassee but nothing close to where we live, so I'm thinking about starting one myself. Wish me luck!

Haddock said...

Here I find it difficult to keep up with one.....and there you go and open one more shop.....

walk2write said...

Thanks, Haddock, for visiting! Yeah, I'm either doubling the fun or doubling the trouble. I haven't decided which it is yet. You've reminded me that I need to post something on this site. It has been a while. Merry Christmas to you and your family!